Pillow Type Packing And Cartoning Line
Pillow Type Packing And Cartoning Line
100 in stock
The product is a new type of production line further researched by our company after combiningadvanced technology from home pharrmaceuticai industry actual situation and abroad, has theadvanced pillow type pack/cartoning production line. it is a high-tech production line with mechanical.electrical, pneumatic and optical integratlon. lts performance is relatively stable and mature withsimple operation.
The equipment is suitable for cartoning and sealing of capsules, tablets, candles, cosmetics, electronicsand daily commodities after they are subject to laminating flm pillow type packaging. The machineadopts PLC human-achine interface and photoelectric monitoring of all parts, The production lineoperates smoothly, the running speed is automatically adjusted and waste rejection is automaticallycarried out. During the operation, the machine will be stopped automatically in case of any abnormalsituations, and the display creen will automaticaliy display the cause to facilitate troubleshooting